Koskenparras Parade
Koskenparras Parade
The Koskenparras Parade is at the heart of Imatra, and it features a roofed stage. There are various shops, restaurants and cafes around the stage, attracting plenty of visitors in the summer.
The specific dimensions of the stage are marked in the appendix. The stage is partially roofed, and there is a small storage space at the back of the stage.
The vicinity of the stage and the Parade can fit several thousand people.
The area is accessible.
The storage space at the back of the stage has a switchboard where there are plenty of electricity connections for both lighting and power. The stage also has its own lighting system where it is easy to attach additional lighting. The organisation also rents a lightweight audio system. Users of the stage may also use the electricity.
The stage does not have a water connection, but you can negotiate the use of the water connections with the nearby restaurants.
There are no sanitary rooms next to the stage. The closest public toilets are 50 metres away. However, the restaurants and cafes of the area offer sanitary facilities for their customers.
The area does not have a network connection of its own.
The stage setting must be done with the utmost care as there are plenty of people passing the stage.
The event organiser will compensate for any damage to the area caused during the construction, the event or the disassembly.
The area must be handed over in the same condition as it was in the beginning of the rental period.
Only service traffic related to the event will be permitted. The area has parking spaces subject to a charge.
To organise an event, you will need permits from the Imatran Kaupunkikeskusta association and the authorities. Using the stage is free of charge. However, renting the Parade or the market spots there is subject to a charge. Details on the market spots and a map of the area are included here as an appendix. Further information, contact details and reservations www.imitsi.fi
Executive Director
Mervi Leinonen
040 550 33 27