
Turf fields
Artificial turf
South Karelia's largest
Indoor football hall
Find out more!

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The Ukonniemi area in Imatra offers an excellent setting for football.

You have access to an international level indoor sports hall Ukonniemi Arena, Ukonniemi artificial turf field, natural turf of the athletics stadium, and another smaller natural turf field, all within a walking distance from each other. 

The area is suited for organising tournaments, camps, and other football-related events.


Training facilities

Ukonniemi Arena - Football

The largest indoor sports hall provides a perfect setting for training regardless of the weather: 

A full-length football field with a high quality artificial turf (104 m x 67 m, Polytan Liga Turf RS+, with a 25 mm cushioning underneath and gravel and green BIONPRO natural rubber granules on top).

A five-lane running track and athletics field with a Polytan M (IAAF CLASS 1) surfacing.

In addition to dressing rooms, Ukonniemi Arena has conference and sauna facilities.

Karhumäki artificial turf field

A full-length (105 x 65m) artificial turf field was renowed 2019 and its surface meets FIFA 2 star Quality Concept.


Karhumäki sports field

A full-length natural turf field renovated in 2018 and an athletics stadium.

Karhumäki turf field

A natural turf field renovated in 2018 next to the athletics stadium

Supplemental training facilities for football players in Ukonniemi

-Gym of the Imatra Spa Arena.

-Indoor tennis courts of Imatra Tennis Hall.

-Extensive and hilly hiking trail network for running training (including a paved roller skiing track with a competition profile and also long outdoor stairs at the Imatra Spa Resort)

-Indoor ball game facility at the Imatran Kylpylä Spa Resort


Imatra has great conditions for playing football!

Bodo Menze, Fc Schalke 04 e.V., Head of International Relations


Cross Border Cup

Cross Border Cup -turnaus kokoaa yhteen kymmeniä kotimaisia juniorijoukkueita ja satoja pelaajia heidän perheidensä kanssa jalkapallon pariin Imatran Ukonniemen moderneihin turnausolosuhteisiin. 

Elite Football Camp

Elite Football Camp -jalkapalloleiri nuorille jalkapalloilijoille on järjestetty Imatran Ukonniemen tekonurmella vuosittain  2016 alkaen. Leirin valmentajana toimi pohjois-irlantilainen UEFA A -lisensoitu valmentaja Tim Wareing. 

Pesäpallon Itä-Länsi 2017

Suomen suosituin tähdistöottelutapahtuma, pesäpallon Itä-Länsi-ottelu järjestettiin Imatran Ukonniemessä Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlavuonna 2017. Tapahtuma oli osa Suomen itsenäisyyden 100-vuotisjuhlavuoden virallista ohjelmaa.