Skiing tracks

At the season 2021-22 the first snow ski track opens in three stages:

  • 15 October approx. 1.5 km loop around Ukonniemi-stadium area
  • 12 November the trail extended to approx 2.8 km race track.  Our service promise is to keep this length well maintained in all weather conditions until the end 2021. 
  • When the weather conditions allows the first snow ski track will reach it's full approx. 5 km lenght (race track and recreational track)

First snow ski track

  • At it's full lenght combines 2.8 km race track and 1.9 km recreational track,  see profile 
  • Height difference (HD) 29 m, total climb (TC) 93 m, maximum climb (MC) 30 m
  • Recreational track profile is perfect for beginners and for those who enjoy a bit more even terrain
  • race track profile has many turnabouts, so you can modify your skiing match your fitness level   
  • Start, parking and customer service at Ukonniemi Arena  
  • The track is illuminated every day from 6 am to 10 pm
  • Biathlon also possible: 30 shooting lanes available